Unlocking the Mystery: How to Remove Lock Cylinder from Door Knob?

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Door Vigilant

To remove a lock cylinder from a door knob, use a key to turn the cylinder, then depress the retaining pin with a small tool. Removing a lock cylinder from a door knob can seem daunting at first, but with the right tools and technique, it can be done with relative ease.

Whether you’re replacing a lock or trying to access a jammed cylinder, it’s important to approach the task carefully and methodically. This article will outline the basic steps for removing a lock cylinder from a door knob, including how to turn the cylinder with a key and depress the retaining pin with a small tool.

By following these steps, you can safely remove the cylinder and complete your task without damaging the door or other components of the lock.

How to Remove Lock Cylinder from Door Knob
Credit: locksbuddy.com

What Is A Lock Cylinder?

A lock cylinder is the mechanism that allows you to lock and unlock a door. It works by turning a key, which aligns the pins inside the cylinder, allowing the cylinder plug to turn. When the cylinder plug turns, it engages with the locking mechanism inside the door, either locking or unlocking it.

Lock Cylinder
Credit: superiorlocks.com

Types Of Lock Cylinders

There are two main types of lock cylinders: single-cylinder and double-cylinder.

  • Single-cylinder: This type of lock cylinder is commonly found in residential settings. It has a keyed lock on one side of the door and a thumb-turn on the other side, making it easy to lock and unlock the door from the inside.
  • Double-cylinder: This type of lock cylinder requires a key to lock or unlock the door from both the inside and outside. It is often used in commercial settings or on doors with glass panels, as it provides an extra layer of security.

Components Of A Lock Cylinder

A lock cylinder is made up of several components, including:

  • Cylinder plug: This is the part of the cylinder that rotates when the key is turned, and engages with the locking mechanism inside the door.
  • Key pins and driver pins: These pins are located inside the cylinder plug and align with the key when it is inserted. When the correct key is inserted and turned, the pins align and the cylinder plug can rotate.
  • Springs: These are located between the key pins and the driver pins and help to hold the pins in place.
  • Cam: This is the part of the cylinder that engages with the locking mechanism inside the door and provides the leverage needed to retract or extend the locking mechanism.
  • Retaining screw: This is the screw that holds the lock cylinder in place inside the door.

Understanding the lock cylinder is essential for successfully removing it from a door knob. By familiarizing yourself with the components and types of cylinders, you can remove it without damaging the door or lock.

Tools Required To Remove A Lock Cylinder

Removing a lock cylinder can seem like an intimidating task, but with the right tools and safety precautions in place, it can be a relatively simple process. Here are the tools you will need to remove a lock cylinder:

Common Tools Needed

  • Screwdriver: The most important tool to have when removing a lock cylinder is a screwdriver. Ensure that it has a corresponding screwdriver bit that fits the screws on your door.
  • Lubricant: If your lock cylinder is difficult to remove due to rust or other obstructions, using a lubricant like WD-40 can help make the process smoother.

Specialized Tools Required

  • Plug follower: Removing a lock cylinder often involves removing the plug, which can be tricky without the right tools. A plug follower is a specialized tool that helps push the cylinder plug out of the housing.
  • Locksmith tool kit: If you encounter a particularly challenging lock, a locksmith tool kit can come in handy. This kit usually includes a variety of tools designed to open a wide range of locks.

Safety Precautions

  • Wear gloves – when working on a lock cylinder, it’s important to protect your hands. Wear gloves made of a durable material like leather to safeguard against any accidents that may occur.
  • Disconnect any electrical or wired components; some door locks may be connected to an electrical system. Always disconnect any electrical or wired components before attempting to remove the lock cylinder.
  • Be cautious – removing a lock cylinder can be a delicate task. Make sure to proceed with caution, taking care not to damage the lock or any surrounding components.

Removing a lock cylinder may seem like a daunting task, but with the proper tools and precautions in place, it can be accomplished quickly and safely.

Now that you have a better understanding of the required tools and safety measures, you will be well equipped to remove a lock cylinder from a door knob.

Step-by-step Guide To Removing A Lock Cylinder

Removing a lock cylinder from a door knob may seem daunting, but it’s simpler than you might think. Whether you are changing your locks or dealing with a damaged cylinder, this step-by-step guide will help you remove the lock cylinder from the door knob with ease.

Step 1: Preparing The Door Knob

Before attempting to remove the lock cylinder, it is crucial to prepare the door knob. Here are the necessary steps:

  • Ensure that the door is unlocked and open.
  • Locate the screws on the door knob and unscrew them.
  • Carefully remove the door knob and set it aside.
  • Locate the rose and unscrew it.

Step 2: Removing The Knob And Rose

With the knob and rose separated from the door, you can move on to the next step.

  • Look for a small slot on the edge of the lock cylinder’s face.
  • Slowly slide a flat-head screwdriver into the slot.
  • Push the screwdriver until you feel resistance.
  • Turn the screwdriver to release the retainer clip.

Step 3: Removing The Cylinder Retainer Clip

The cylinder retainer clip is what holds the lock cylinder in place. Follow these steps to remove it:

  • Locate the retainer clip inside the knob’s neck.
  • Use needle-nose pliers to squeeze the clip.
  • Once the clip is open, remove it.

Step 4: Removing The Lock Cylinder

With the retainer clip removed, it’s time to take out the lock cylinder.

  • Carefully pull the lock cylinder out of the knob.
  • If the cylinder is stuck, gently rotate it while pulling it out.

Step 5: Reassembling The Door Knob

Now that you have removed the lock cylinder, it is time to reassemble the door knob.

  • Insert the new lock cylinder into the knob.
  • Fit the retainer clip around the cylinder and inside the neck of the knob.
  • Slide the rose back into place and secure it with screws.
  • Align the knob and secure it with screws.

Removing a lock cylinder from a door knob is a straightforward process that requires a few simple steps. Follow this guide to take out the old lock cylinder and replace it with a new one. With a bit of patience and care, you’ll have your door secure in no time!

How to Remove Cylinder Lock Without Key?

Ah, tackling a cylinder lock without a key is a classic challenge. To effortlessly remove it, get a paperclip, straighten it out, and insert it into the keyhole. Jiggle it around a bit, applying gentle pressure, and voila!

how to remove cylinder lock without key

How to Remove Lock Cylinder From Schlage Door Knob?

To gracefully part ways with the lock cylinder in your Schlage door knob, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the small pinhole on the shank of the knob, usually near the base.
  2. Insert a thin, sturdy object like a paperclip or a small Allen wrench into the pinhole.
  3. Apply a bit of pressure while turning the keyway or knob until you feel the release mechanism inside.
  4. Gently pull out the knob, revealing the cylinder.
  5. Unscrew any retaining screws on the faceplate and remove it.
  6. The cylinder should now be easily removable.

Voila! Enjoy your newfound locksmith prowess!

how to remove lock cylinder from schlage door knob

How to Remove Lock Cylinder from Deadbolt?

For a swift exit of the lock cylinder from your deadbolt, here’s the Door Vigilant-sanctioned procedure:

  1. Locate the retaining screw on the interior side of the deadbolt.
  2. Unscrew the retaining screw using an appropriate tool, like a screwdriver.
  3. Once the screw is removed, take hold of the thumb turn or exterior knob and pull it off.
  4. Look for a mounting plate or faceplate on the edge of the door; remove any screws securing it.
  5. With the faceplate gone, you should have clear access to the cylinder.
  6. Slide the cylinder out of its housing, and voila, you’ve successfully disengaged the deadbolt lock cylinder.

That’s it! Enjoy your DIY locksmith adventure!

how to remove lock cylinder from deadbolt

How to Remove Cylinder from Kwikset Lever?

Unlocking the mystery of removing a cylinder from a Kwikset lever is a breeze with these pro-approved steps:

  1. Locate the set screw on the lever, often positioned on the shank or under the lever handle.
  2. Use an appropriate tool, such as an Allen wrench, to loosen and remove the set screw.
  3. Once the set screw is out, the lever handle should easily come off.
  4. Look for the mounting plate or faceplate on the edge of the door; remove any screws securing it.
  5. With the faceplate removed, you’ll have access to the cylinder.
  6. Slide the cylinder out, and congratulations – you’ve successfully detached the Kwikset lever lock cylinder.
how to remove cylinder from kwikset lever

Common Issues Encountered When Removing A Lock Cylinder

Removing a lock cylinder can be an intimidating task, especially if you’ve never done it before. Here are some common issues that you may face when attempting to remove a lock cylinder:

  • The lock cylinder is stuck
  • The key won’t turn
  • The screw is stripped

How To Solve These Issues

Fortunately, there are ways to overcome these common issues when removing a lock cylinder. Here are some solutions:

  • If the lock cylinder is stuck, try applying some lubricant, such as WD-40, to loosen it up. If that doesn’t work, use pliers or a pair of channel locks to grip and twist the cylinder gently while applying pressure.
  • When the key won’t turn, try wiggling it gently while turning it. If that doesn’t work, use some graphite lubricant to try and loosen it up. If all else fails, you may need to call a locksmith for assistance.
  • If the screw is stripped, use a screw extractor to remove the screw. Another option is to use a drill to make a small hole next to the screw and use pliers to grab onto it and turn it out.

Tips For Smooth Removal Of Lock Cylinder

Here are a few tips that can make the process of removing a lock cylinder smoother:

  • Always be patient, and avoid forcing anything. If a particular method doesn’t work, try another instead of brute-forcing it.
  • Make sure you have the right tools on hand. You may need a variety of tools, like pliers, screwdrivers, lubricants, and more.
  • Consider getting some help if you’re unsure of what you’re doing. A friend or locksmith can help guide you through the process and ensure that you don’t damage anything.
  • Take care when removing the cylinder, and be sure to keep it clean and dirt-free. This will ensure a smooth re-installation process when you’re ready.

FAQs: How To Remove Lock Cylinder From Door Knob?

How Do I Remove A Lock Cylinder From A Door Knob?

To remove a lock cylinder from a door knob, you will need a screwdriver, pins, and a plug-follower tool. Remove the screws from the door knob and take off the handle, then use the plug follower tool to push out the cylinder.

Can I Remove A Lock Cylinder Without A Special Tool?

You can remove a lock cylinder without a special tool by using a flathead screwdriver or a bent paperclip to turn the lock cylinder and pull it out. However, using a plug-follower tool is recommended to prevent damage to the lock.

What Are The Common Reasons For Removing A Lock Cylinder?

Common reasons for removing a lock cylinder include replacing the lock, re-keying the lock, or repairing a malfunctioning lock. Additionally, homeowners may wish to remove a lock cylinder for security purposes when moving into a new home or after a break-in.


Removing a lock cylinder is one of the essential tasks that every homeowner might face at some point. By following the steps mentioned in this guide, you can easily remove the lock cylinder from your door knob and replace it with a new one.

Remember that safety precautions, such as wearing gloves and eye protection, are vital when handling tools and working on your doorknob. If you encounter difficulties throughout the process, do not hesitate to seek the assistance of a professional locksmith.

With this useful guide, you can take care of your lock cylinder and secure your home without expensive service fees.

Happy DIY-ing!

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