Can Smart Door Locks Be Hacked? Learn The Risks Involved

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Door Vigilant

As homeowners become increasingly tech-savvy, they are looking to the latest in smart home technologies to make their lives more convenient. Smart door locks are one such technology that allows users to unlock their doors with just the touch of a button or a swipe of a card. However, there is an important question that needs to be asked before investing in this technology: can smart door locks be hacked?

While it is true that smart door locks are designed to provide enhanced levels of security, it is still possible for hackers to gain access and compromise the security of your home.

In this article, we will discuss the potential vulnerabilities of smart door locks and how you can protect yourself from malicious cyber attacks. We will also explore some innovative methods used by hackers to bypass your door’s security measures, as well as strategies on how to stay one step ahead?

Finally, we’ll review the importance of selecting secure door locks when you’re making the purchase decision.

With all this knowledge at your disposal, you’ll be able to make an informed decision about whether or not smart door locks are right for you and your home.

Is It Possible To Hack A Smart Door Lock?

Absolutely, a smart door lock can be hacked. Smart door locks are not invulnerable to cyber threats. Because they rely on wireless transmissions, such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, which hackers can intercept.

Attackers may also use phishing or malware to gain access to the lock’s controls. Once hackers get control of the lock, they can unlock the door and gain entry even if they are not physically there.

Despite changing the code for the door lock regularly, hackers can defeat this security feature by searching for flaws in the technology utilized.

Additionally, some smart locks come with default passwords that many people do not change upon installation. This makes them easy targets for hackers since they often have weak passwords that are easy to guess or crack.

Therefore, smart door locks may seem secure, but they can be hacked just like any other digital device.

Read Also: Can Keypad Door Locks Be Hacked?

Why Smart Door Locks Are Vulnerable To Hacking – Explore The Reasons

Smart door locks are gaining popularity among homeowners because of their convenience and effectiveness. However, there is an increasing risk of hackers being able to gain access to these systems. Here, we will try to explore the reasons why smart door locks are vulnerable to hacking.

A. Weaknesses In Manufacturers’ Design And Security Protocols:

The most common reason for a smart door lock hacking is flaws in the design and security standards used by manufacturers. Many manufacturers fail to adopt secure encryption methods or fail to keep their gadgets up to date with the most recent security fixes.

This makes gaining access easier for hackers. Furthermore, when it comes to security, many manufacturers have taken a “one-size-fits-all” approach.

As a result, even if a manufacturer has installed strong encryption mechanisms, these methods may not be appropriate for all sorts of devices.

B. Lack Of Updating And Cybersecurity Education For Owners:

Another reason why smart door locks are vulnerable to hacking is due to the lack of updating and cybersecurity education provided by manufacturers for owners.

Many people purchase smart door locks without fully understanding how they work or how they can best protect themselves against potential threats.

By failing to keep their devices up-to-date with necessary software updates or educating themselves on proper cybersecurity measures, they make their systems much more susceptible to attack from hackers.

C. Reliance On Passwords, Codes, Fingerprints, And Other Authentication Methods

Furthermore, many individuals rely on passwords, codes, fingerprints, or other authentication methods that may not be completely secure when using their smart door locks on a regular basis.

These authentication methods are often easily compromised through phishing attempts or brute force attacks by experienced hackers. Thus making it easy for them to gain access into someone’s home or property without authorization.

Additionally, some smart door lock systems may only require a single code to unlock the device. This could then be easily shared by multiple individuals which could further compromise security within an establishment or residence as well.

D. Lack Of Device Access Control Systems

Finally, many smart door lock devices do not have an access control system in place which would allow users the ability to regulate who has access and when they can enter a building or residence.

Thus leaving them open for attack from malicious actors who can easily pick the locks instead of using brute force attacks on passwords or codes that are used in other systems.

Without proper controls in place such as multi-factor authentication (MFA), two-way verifications (2FA), or biometrics scanners; doors remain open for attackers with malicious intent who can easily bypass all security measures put in place by manufacturers and owners alike.

In essence, many of today’s smart door lock systems are vulnerable. As a result, it’s critical to understand how personal cyber safety practices can help keep your house safe from intruders.

Manufacturers cannot escape their obligations, as flaws in their goods expose customers to possible hazards in today’s digital world.

Read Also: Are Fingerprint Door Locks Secure?

Understanding The Methods Of Smart Door Lock Hacking

Smart door locks have become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to provide increased security and convenience. With their increasing popularity, however, comes the potential for malicious actors to gain access to these locks by exploiting vulnerabilities or using other means of infiltration.

Some of the most common ways that hackers can compromise smart door locks, including –

a. Physical breaking and entry
b. Social engineering attacks
c. Exploiting software vulnerabilities
d. Exploiting network connections and protocols
e. Password cracking techniques
f. Internet of things (iot) attack vectors
g. Using malware or spyware to gain access to locked doors
h. Compromising cloud-based technology used by smart door lock manufacturers
i. Reverse engineering to uncover security flaws
j. Algorithmic insecurities in smart keypads and swipes cards

If you want to learn details about each of the above ways, let’s browse our post on how to hack smart locks then.

Examples Of Popular Smart Lock Hacks In The News

We are displaying some cases of smart door lock hacking that have gone viral in the news to assist you to understand the nature and severity of the problem. It also assists you in understanding the strategies they employ and how you can protect yourself against brute force attacks. Let’s look for them down below.

Airbnb Hackers Gaining Access to Homes Through a Defective Software Update in August 2018

In August 2018, Airbnb reported that hackers had gained access to hundreds of homes around the world through a defective software update.

The malicious actors were able to use the faulty codes in the software update to unlock doors and gain access to homes without permission.

Airbnb later issued a full recall of all affected units, but not before many customers had already been compromised by the attack.

Read More Here On Airbnb Hacking.

Chinese Researchers Gaining Remote Access to a Bluetooth Enabled Yale Lock in December 2019

In December 2019, Chinese researchers demonstrated how they were able to gain remote access to a Bluetooth enabled Yale lock through an exploit in its code.

The researchers managed to take control of the locks and open them without needing physical access or authentication. They also showcased how they could issue commands remotely by sending specially crafted SMS messages or setting up fake websites that could be used as attack vectors.

This highlighted the importance of proper security measures for Bluetooth-enabled devices and made it clear that manufacturers need to invest more resources into ensuring their products are secure from cyber-attacks.

Hackers Accessing a Schlage Connect Lock with a Low-Cost Device in January 2020

In January 2020, it was revealed that hackers had managed to gain access to several Schlage Connect locks using a low-cost device known as an ‘RFID simulator’.

By using this device, attackers can simulate keycards and other authentication methods without needing physical access or authentication credentials. This allowed them to bypass standard security measures and open doors without permission, potentially putting users at risk of theft or other criminal activity if they were unaware that their locks had been compromised.

How To Prevent Your Smart Door Lock From Being Hacked

In the above discussion, we get a glimpse of how an attacker can attack your security system or smart door lock. Now, it is time to look at how we can prevent our smart door locks from being hacked. Let’s explore the ways to prevent hacking below.

1. Choose A Secure System

The first step to preventing your smart door lock from being hacked is by choosing a secure credential system.

Ensure that the system you select has all the necessary safeguards in place, including multi-factor authentication and strong encryption.

Additionally, it’s important that the system is regularly updated with the latest security patches. This will help ensure that your data remains secure and protected.

2. Use Strong Passwords and Change Them Regularly

It’s also essential to use strong passwords for the users of your smart door lock. The longer and more complex the passwords are, the better.

Additionally, set your passwords to expire regularly so that even if someone does gain access to them, they won’t remain compromised for an extended period of time.

3. Install Antivirus, Firewall and Encryption Software

Having antivirus software installed on all devices which have access to your smart door lock is crucial for keeping it secure. Make sure that these programs are kept up-to-date with their definitions so they can detect any threats or malicious software quickly and effectively.

Also, consider implementing a firewall as an additional layer of protection.

Finally, encrypting the data on all devices can help protect against unauthorized access in case of a breach.

4. Monitor External Connections Carefully

Your home or business may be vulnerable if there are many external connections coming in and out of it on a regular basis. It’s important to monitor these connections closely so as not to allow any malicious actors into your network or risk compromising data stored within it.

Keep an eye out for unusual activity such as unexpected attempts at accessing files or large amounts of data being sent out from servers or computers connected to your network.

5. Configure Your Router With A Unique Name And Password

In order to protect against malicious actors attempting to gain access through routers, configure them with unique names and passwords which only authorized personnel should have knowledge of.

Additionally, make sure that only people who need access actually have access in order allow greater control over who is able to connect to your network and resources stored within it.

6. Manage Permissions Assigned To Various Users Of The System

Verify that the permissions provided to each user on any credential system are properly handled. To keep unauthorized individuals away from critical information or resources, it is important. It is also necessary to place proper constraints on what various users can accomplish within its boundaries.

As necessary, you can get further control by adjusting permission levels based on user roles. Yet, depending on their positions within the environment, it will grant users reasonable independence within its confines.

7. Use Multifactor Authentication Methods

Multifactor authentication (MFA) requires users to enter credentials more than once in order to verify their identity and gain access.

This is an important security measure that helps keep intruders out of your system.

For example, if someone attempts to hack into your system using stolen credentials, they would need more than just a username and password. They would also need additional verification by entering a code sent via SMS message or email before gaining access.

Utilizing MFA as an extra layer of protection can greatly reduce the risk of successful hacks on your smart door lock.

8. Insist on Backup Policies Across Offsite Locations

Backup policies should always be implemented in order to protect against data loss in case of cyberattacks or accidental deletions. It is important that these backups are stored offsite in different locations for increased security and redundancy.

Regular automated backups should also be set up so that any changes made are instantly replicated across multiple sites. This ensures that even if one site is compromised, you still have other copies available for recovery purposes.

9. Disconnect Any Unused Connections From The Network

Leaving unused connections active can be an open invitation for malicious actors who may attempt to gain access through them.

It is important that any unused connections are disconnected from the network immediately so as not to provide any unintentional entry points into your system.

Additionally, only allowing trusted users access should further help keep unwanted visitors out of your system.

10. Take Advantage Of Automated Cybersecurity Solutions

When it comes to protecting your smart door lock from cyberattacks, automated cybersecurity solutions can add an extra degree of security.

Manual efforts and knowledge would otherwise be required, which may not always be available on short notice or outside of usual working hours.

Firewalls and intrusion detection systems, for example, can assist detect suspicious behavior or incoming threats automatically. And it can inform you accordingly so that you can act immediately to avoid any significant damage from occurring before it’s too late.

Importance Of Selecting Smart Door Locks To Prevent Hacking

Smart door locks have become increasingly popular due to their convenience and ease of use. However, selecting a secure smart door lock is crucial to avoid being hacked.

  • The importance of selecting a secure smart door lock lies in the fact that it is connected to the internet and can be accessed remotely through a smartphone or other device. This means that if the smart lock is not secure, it can be vulnerable to hacking and unauthorized access.
  • Hackers can exploit vulnerabilities in the software and hardware of the smart lock to gain access to your home or business. They can unlock the door remotely, monitor your activities, and even steal your personal information.
  • Selecting a secure smart door lock is essential to avoid these risks. A secure smart lock should have features like strong encryption, regular firmware updates, and two-factor authentication. It should also be certified by independent security organizations and have a good reputation in the market.
  • Additionally, it is essential to follow best practices for securing your smart lock, such as creating strong passwords, keeping your firmware updated, and avoiding public Wi-Fi networks.

In conclusion, selecting a secure smart door lock is vital to avoid being hacked and to keep your home or business safe. By choosing a reliable and trustworthy product and following best security practices, you can enjoy the convenience of a smart lock without compromising your security.

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Is smart lock safer than deadbolt?

Smart door locks are becoming increasingly popular for those looking to upgrade their home security systems. There’s much debate over whether smart door locks provide more safety than the traditional deadbolt.

Generally, smart lock technology offers more features and benefits that outweigh any extra cost you might have to pay when compared with a conventional deadbolt lock.

Smart locks detect break-ins quicker, have remote access options, can be customized with individual user settings, and alert users via text or email when someone enters or exits the property.

Therefore, smart locks offer advanced protection and convenience when it comes to home security.

Can smart locks be opened remotely?

Smart locks are becoming increasingly popular for many reasons: they are convenient, secure, and customizable. With smart locks, a homeowner never has to worry about forgetting their key or having it stolen, because these smart door locks can be accessed remotely via an app on their smartphone.

Smart door locks to offer features such as digital key sharing with friends and family, allowing them to open the smart lock without ever needing a physical key. All in all, smart door locks are proving to be one of the most technologically advanced solutions for today’s homeowners looking for enhanced security.

Therefore, it is clear that you can open your smart door lock remotely without having any physical key.

Do smart locks work without Wi-Fi?

Smart locks are quickly becoming a staple of home security, providing a convenient and secure entry way into your home. While most smart locks come with Wi-Fi capabilities, they don’t need it to function – some models can be programmed directly on the lock itself.

Bluetooth, app access, and pass codes are commonly used as well, creating an array of easy access control options for the user even when Wi-Fi is not available.

Smart locks may require a bit more effort initially to set up, but they can be worth the investment in added convenience and peace of mind.


In conclusion, it is clear that smart door locks may seem secure, but they can still be hacked.

Thankfully, there are preventative steps and additional measures that we can take to further protect our digital devices and smart door locks.

For example, users need to keep their device software up to date in order to fend off intrusions. They should also avoid using weak PINs or passwords for their locks, use two-factor authentication for extra safety if possible, and always keep a physical keyhole backup as well.

While these preventive measures certainly increase the security of digital devices and smart door locks, more research is needed into cybersecurity for all digital devices.

Our home and personal safety is important – therefore, don’t take any chances: always make sure you do your part in proactively protecting your – and others’ – devices from potential hacking.

So the question remains: can smart door locks be hacked? While it appears so, with proper prevention methods we can rest assured that our homes are secured a bit better than ever before.

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